Elizabeth Braley

Data Management Specialist, CFS

Branch Associate, RJFS

Elizabeth graduated from South Dakota State University (SDSU) in December 2022 with a major in Consumer Affairs and specializations in both Consumer Services Management and Family Financial Management, and a minor in Leadership and Management of Nonprofit Organizations and Financial Counseling. During college she was an involved member of Alpha Omega Epsilon sorority, serving as chair on several committees and as treasurer for two years. Elizabeth is also a member of American Sign Language Club and volunteers at Dress for Success.


What attracted you to Cornerstone? Someone I trust recommended Cornerstone and when I met a few members of the team they were so welcoming.

What motivates you to work hard? I’m driven to help others. I keep myself motivated to reach big goals by setting small milestones I can accomplish on my way.

Professional skill you’d love to learn or master, or professional goal: In the near future I plan to earn the CFP® certification.

When was the last time you did something that challenged you for the first time?  I was elected treasurer when my sorority held an emergency election. I wasn’t planning to run and learned the position as I went.

Book, documentary series, or podcast that you’d recommend?  If you like murder mysteries/who-dunnits I recommend And Then There Were None and Murder on the Orient Express, both by Agatha Christie.