Secure Passwords

Strong passwords are the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your financial data by hackers with sophisticated tools to easily defeat weak ones.

Read more about creating an ironclad password.

Tips for an unthwartable password:

  • Avoid using the same password across multiple accounts. This includes variants of the same password.
  • Consider using a reputable password manager to store and generate strong passwords (LastPass or Dashlane are two examples.)
  • Two-Factor Authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second piece of information to authenticate.

Passwords and phishing attacks:

  • Double-check the URL before clicking links and entering passwords.
  • Set up secure account recovery methods like using a mobile number or alternate password.
  • Avoid entering passwords on public computers, which may contain malware.
  • Regularly rotate your passwords to reduce risk and avoid using the same password for extended periods.

Raymond James is not affiliated and does not endorse LastPass or Dashlane.

CSP #605343 Exp. 9.24.25

Strength, Faith, and Family: My Mother’s Battle with Alzheimer’s

A Personal Battle with Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a cruel thief. It robs memories, erodes personalities, and leaves families grappling with loss long before the final goodbye. It is a journey that countless families face, but each experience is unique and deeply personal. For me, the story of Alzheimer’s is not just a statistic or a medical diagnosis; it is the story of my mother, a vibrant and loving woman who was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s at the age of 59, and my grandmother, who also battled this devastating disease for several years.

The Devastating Diagnosis: Early-Onset Alzheimer’s

The changes in my mother were sudden and disorienting. She had always been an active, involved, and deeply caring person, someone who threw herself into everything her children and grandchildren did. But then, almost overnight, her demeanor began to shift. We feared the worst—a stroke, perhaps. We embarked on a journey through the maze of neurology, seeking answers, hoping against hope that it would be something—anything—else. But several months later, at the Mayo Clinic, we received the diagnosis we had dreaded: early-onset Alzheimer’s.

I remember that day with a clarity that cuts through the fog of time. My dad, my mom, and I were driving home from the clinic, the car heavy with silence. For the first hour, none of us spoke. We were each lost in our thoughts, trying to process the reality that had just been handed to us. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I asked my mom if there was anything in particular she wanted to do with the time she had left. Her answer was simple, yet profound: “The only thing I want is to be with my family.”

Coping with Alzheimer’s as a Family

And that’s exactly what she did. My mother lived out the rest of her days surrounded by the people she loved most. Despite the relentless progression of the disease, she remained active and involved in our lives until the very end. Her faith in God, which had always been the bedrock of her life, never wavered. In fact, it was during that silent car ride home that she turned to me and said, “I’m not worried about this. You don’t be worried about this either.” It was a powerful statement, one that spoke volumes about her strength, her faith, and her determination to live life on her terms.

A Mother’s Strength: Cherishing Every Moment

Just ten days before she passed away at the age of 61, my mother did something extraordinary. Despite her declining health, she walked the entire route of the Sioux Falls Alzheimer’s Walk, a mile-long journey that seemed impossible for someone in her condition. I had brought a wheelchair, thinking she would need it, but she refused. “I’m here for a reason, and I’m going to walk,” she said. And walk she did. The wheelchair, as it turned out, was more for my four-year-old twins, Kayleigh and Kenleigh, who rode in it as my mother completed the walk with a determination that still takes my breath away.

A few days later, she attended my niece’s volleyball game, another testament to her unwavering commitment to being present for her family. And then, one night, she went to sleep and never woke up. She had always feared the prospect of a nursing home, and I am grateful that we never had to face that reality. I always wanted her to know who we were, her children and grandchildren, and by God’s grace, she did until the very end.

Coping with the Impact of Alzheimer’s

Living without my mom has been incredibly difficult. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t look to her for guidance. But perhaps the hardest part about losing her is knowing how much she is missing out on as my kids are growing up. She was so involved in our lives that her absence is felt deeply every day. My oldest daughter, Kaitlyn, was just eight years old when she passed, and while she has some beautiful memories of her grandma, there is so much more I wish they could have shared together. My twins, Kayleigh and Kenleigh, who were just four years old at the time, have only fleeting memories. But the most painful reality is that my youngest daughter, Karsyn, never got to know her at all. I often think about how much my mom would have loved to see them grow, to cheer them on at their games, to share in their achievements, and to simply be there as they navigate life. It’s a loss that cuts deeply because I know how much she would have cherished every moment with them.

Supporting the Alzheimer’s Association: A Personal Mission

Because of my family’s experience, I am a strong supporter of the Alzheimer’s Association. I participate in local walks and contribute to the cause because I have seen firsthand the devastating effects this horrible disease has on loved ones. My grandmother’s long battle and death with Alzheimer’s, followed by my mother’s diagnosis and eventual passing after just two years, has deeply impacted me. I am committed to fighting this disease, not just for my mother and grandmother, but for everyone who has been touched by Alzheimer’s. It is a disease that I hope never to face myself, and one that I don’t want my children to endure watching me go through.

Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease, and there is still so much we don’t understand about it. But what I do know is this: my mother lived her life fully, even in the face of this terrible diagnosis. She taught me that even when life takes an unexpected and heartbreaking turn, we can still choose to live with purpose, love, and faith. And for that, I will always be grateful.


Fraud Alert

Who can place a fraud alert?

Anyone who suspects you have been, or are about to be, a victim of identity theft or fraud can place a fraud alert on their credit report. Appropriate if your wallet has been stolen or if you’ve been taken in by a phishing scam.

What does a fraud alert do?

A fraud alert will make it harder for someone to open a new credit account in your name. Potential creditors must use what the law refers to as “reasonable policies and procedures” to verify your identity before issuing credit in your name. Basically, a business must verify your identity before it issues new credit in your name. The steps potential creditors take to verify your identity may not always alert them that the applicant is not you.

When you place a fraud alert on your credit report, you can get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three credit bureaus.

Duration: A fraud alert stays on your credit report for at least 90 days and up to one year. After a year, you can renew it.

Cost: Free

How to place a fraud alert: Contact any one of the three credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You will need to provide appropriate proof of your identity, which includes your Social Security number, name, address and other personal information that the credit bureau requests. You don’t have to contact all three. The credit bureau you contact must tell the other two to place a fraud alert on your credit report.

Extended Fraud Alert

Who can place an extended fraud alert?

An extended fraud alert is only available to people who have had their identity stolen and completed an FTC identity theft report at or filed a police report.

What does an extended fraud alert do?

Like a fraud alert, an extended fraud alert will make it harder for someone to open a new credit account in your name. A business must contact you before it issues new credit in your name.

When you place an extended fraud alert on your credit report, you can get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three credit bureaus twice within one year from when you place the alert, which means you could review your credit report six times in a year.

In addition, the credit bureaus will take you off their marketing lists for unsolicited credit and insurance offers for five years, unless you ask them not to.

Duration: An extended fraud alert lasts seven years.

Cost: Free

How to place an extended fraud alert: Contact any one of the three credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. You will need to provide appropriate proof of your identity, which includes your Social Security number, name, address and other personal information that the credit bureau requests. You don’t have to contact all three. The credit bureau you contact must tell the other two to place an extended fraud alert on your credit report.

What Doesn’t A Fraud Alert Do?

While a fraud alert can help keep an identity thief from opening new accounts in your name, it will not:

  • Protect you from an identity thief using your existing credit cards or other accounts.
  • Protect you from an identity thief opening new accounts in your name that do not require a credit check – such as a telephone, wireless or bank account.

And, the fraud alert alone won’t stop any identity theft that is already under way.



CSP #576097 Exp. 8.20.25

What Should You Do If You Suspect Identity Theft?

If you think you may be the victim of identity theft, you should immediately take the following steps:

1. Contact the Federal Trade Commission at 877-438-4338 or access its online complaint form.

For more information on recognizing and dealing with identity theft, visit the FTC’s identity theft site.

2. Contact one of the three major credit bureaus, report the problem and request a fraud alert and/or credit freeze on your credit reports.

800-525-6285 (fraud hotline)
800-685-1111 (Order report)
P.O. Box 740250
Atlanta, GA 30374

888-397-3742 (fraud hotline)
888-397-3742 (Order report)
P.O. Box 9556
Allen, TX 75013

800-680-7289 (fraud hotline)
800-916-8800 (Order report)
P.O. Box 6790
Fullerton, CA 92634

You only need to call one of the three bureaus – the company you call is required to contact the other two, and within 24 hours all three of the bureaus will be on alert. In addition, on request the company you call will provide you with a free copy of your credit report. This can help you identify any new accounts that may have been opened. Pay particular attention to the section of the report that lists inquiries from new companies. Contact these companies immediately and have them remove any pending or new accounts from their system.

3. File a Police Report – Retain a copy of the report or the report number as proof of the crime. While most police departments throughout the country are increasingly aware of the dramatic impact of identity theft, some local authorities may be reluctant to take your report. If this happens, ask to file a “Miscellaneous Incidents” report. You can also try another jurisdiction, such as the state police, or contact your state Attorney General’s office to find out if state law requires the police to take reports for identity theft.

4. Contact Creditors’ Fraud Departments

    • Close any affected accounts.
    • Speak with someone in the security or fraud department of each creditor and describe what has occurred.
    • Follow up in writing with a letter or affidavit as well as copies (not originals) of any supporting documents.
    • Contact the following check-verification companies if your checks have been lost or stolen:
      • TeleCheck: 800-710-9898 or 1-800-927-0188
      • Certegy, Inc.: 800-437-5120
      • International Check Services: 800-631-9656
      • CheckRite: 800-766-2748
      • Chexsystems: 800-428-9623
      • CheckCenter/CrossCheck: 800-843-0760

5. Keep Good Records

    • Maintain complete, accurate records of all the steps you take in reporting identity theft.
    • When you notify various businesses and agencies, do so both by phone and in writing. Record the date you send any correspondence and how you send it. It’s a good idea to send all correspondence by certified mail, return receipt requested.
    • Keep a date/time log of phone calls, including the names of people with whom you speak and what they tell you.
    • Keep copies of any correspondence, along with the names, phone numbers and addresses of anyone you contact. This will be extremely important if you have to prepare a case to recover damages.

Other Steps:

    • If your Social Security card has been stolen, contact the Social Security Administration for a replacement card.
    • If the theft involves your mail, contact the Postal Inspection Service, the primary law-enforcement arm of the U.S. Postal Service.
    • If your driver’s license has been stolen, contact the issuing office to cancel it and obtain a replacement.

Not a Cornerstone Client?

With over 140 years combined team experience and 30 years in business, we are well-equipped to help you navigate the complexities of retirement planning and the financial industry. Contact us today at 605-351-8553 or if you’d like to learn more about the unparalleled service you can expect from the Cornerstone team.

CSP #576097 Exp. 8/20/25

We Invest in People – World Hope International

In a world filled with challenges, we firmly believe in the power of taking action and making a transformative difference. One guiding principle remains close to our hearts: “Invest in People.” This belief isn’t merely a sentiment but a driving force that inspires us to establish deep connections and foster a positive impact.

Our collaboration with World Hope and our involvement with the Enable the Children program in Sierra Leone stands as a testament to this belief. Investing in people, especially those in vulnerable situations, can genuinely change lives. World Hope’s mission to alleviate poverty, deliver healthcare, and empower communities aligns perfectly with our core values. It’s not just about financial aid but joining hands to help create a better tomorrow.

Discover how “Invest in People” and our collaboration with World Hope International transforms lives through physical and occupational therapy for children with disabilities in Sierra Leone. 

Sierra Leone grapples with enormous challenges, especially in providing healthcare and support for children with disabilities. Recognizing this, we chose to step in. We are privileged and honored to fund physical and occupational therapy services for these children. Such services not only amplify their physical well-being but also enhance their overall quality of life. With proper support, they can become active community members, gain independence, and chase their aspirations.

But the ripple effect of our collaboration goes further. When children with disabilities receive the tools and assistance they require, they defy odds and redefine potentials. They become beacons of hope, challenging preconceived notions, and demonstrating that abilities are not constrained by disabilities.

Our work with World Hope and Enable the Children underlines the profound belief that uplifting individuals, especially those in vulnerable situations, paves the way for a brighter, more inclusive future. By dedicating our resources and expertise to children with disabilities in Sierra Leone, we are sowing the seeds of enduring change.

In these challenging times, our alliance with World Hope, Enable the Children, and the wider community shines brightly, illustrating the remarkable outcomes achieved when like-minded entities unite with shared values. Our dedication to uplifting others goes beyond mere words; it’s a relentless pursuit to make the world better, one individual at a time.

As we progress in our mission to empower children with disabilities in Sierra Leone, we hope to motivate others to discover ways to uplift and inspire. Our work serves as a reminder of hope’s potency and the transformative power of collective action. We believe that by investing in people, we can shape a future filled with light, hope, and endless possibilities.

Raymond James is not affiliated with the above charitable organizations.

CSP #338792 exp 11.24.24

Honoring All on Mother’s Day

Honoring All on Mother's Day

On behalf of everyone at Cornerstone Financial Solutions, happy Mother’s Day! It’s not uncommon to hear people describe their mom as “The Best Mom Ever” and proudly present her with a personalized coffee cup or trophy. But Mother’s Day can also be a difficult day for some people, and we want to try to honor all the ways this complicated day affects people.

If this is your first Mother’s Day without your mom – our hearts are with you as you find new traditions to continue celebrating her. Whether you plant flowers in her honor, enjoy brunch at her favorite restaurant, or spend an afternoon on her favorite lake, we know she is in your thoughts on this day.

If you have little ones and think some quiet time alone would be a great gift, we see you. We know you’re exhausted and have probably run out of ideas about what to cook for dinner. Your capacity for love inspires us, and our fingers are crossed that you get the nap you so greatly deserve.

If you’re celebrating via Zoom because your kids live too far away to give you a hug in person, we are ready and waiting to help! We’d love to hear about your children and deliver the hug they aren’t able to give you in person. Stop at the office and say hello.

For foster moms and adoptive moms who are making a difference in the most tangible way imaginable, we are in awe of your willingness to open your hearts and homes.

For the women who thought they’d be a mom by now, but that isn’t how life has played out, you are not forgotten. Give yourself the self-care you need today, in whatever form that may be.

 To the mommas whose babies are waiting for you in Heaven – you are in our thoughts and hearts more than ever on this day. We can’t even begin to imagine the pain you have endured.

 And for those of you for whom this day evokes painful memories, we wish you nurturing relationships to help heal and mend your heart.

 Wherever your heart is this Mother’s Day, we are grateful for you. We are here if you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to speak to, and look forward to many years of celebrating life’s triumphs and heartaches with you as friends.


    CSP #487144 Exp 2025.05.06