Hosted by Andrew Ulvestad

My Life is Built Podcast

The podcast that delves deep into the foundations of wealth and empowers you to take control of your financial future.

Podcast: My Life is Built, Hosted by Andrew Ulvestad
Featured Episode

Behind the Scenes: What It’s Like to Intern at Cornerstone Financial Solutions

Ever wondered what it’s really like to work as an intern in the world of wealth management? Hosted by Associate Advisor, Jory Flannery, and featuring intern Jakob Brown, this episode of My Life Is Built peels back the curtain on the intern experience at Cornerstone.

Podcast: My Life is Built, Hosted by Andrew Ulvestad
Episode #5

Behind the Scenes: What It’s Like to Intern at Cornerstone Financial Solutions

Podcast: My Life is Built, Hosted by Andrew Ulvestad
Episode #4

Navigating the Financial Markets: 2024 First Quarter Recap & Future Outlook

Podcast: My Life is Built, Hosted by Andrew Ulvestad
Episode #3

Building Excellence: The Power of Systems, Habits, and Continuous Improvement

Podcast: My Life is Built, Hosted by Andrew Ulvestad
Episode #2

Mastering Your Financial Future: A Comprehensive Guide to Wealth Building

Podcast: My Life is Built, Hosted by Andrew Ulvestad
Episode #1

My Life is Built: Foundations of Wealth and Fulfillment

Be a Guest on our Podcast!

Are you passionate about sharing your unique life journey and the lessons you’ve learned along the way? We invite you to be a guest on our podcast where we are exploring the diverse paths people take to build their lives and achieve their dreams.

Want Andrew as a Guest?

With a passion for uncovering the journeys that shape people’s lives, Andrew brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective that will captivate your audience. Invite Andrew to join your podcast for an enriching conversation that will leave your listeners inspired and motivated.


Every investor situation is unique, and prior to making any investment decisions, consult with your financial advisor. The opinions expressed are those of the host and not necessarily those of Raymond James, member of NYSE, and SIPC.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax, legal, estate, or investment planning advice as individual situations will vary. Please discuss these matters with the appropriate professional. All opinions are as of this date and are subject to change without notice. This information has been obtained from sources considered to be reliable, but Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. does not guarantee that the statements, opinions or forecasts provided will prove to be correct.

Investing involves risk and you may incur a profit or loss regardless of strategy selected. This information is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making an investment decision and does not constitute a recommendation. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Future investment performance cannot be guaranteed, investment yields will fluctuate with market conditions. Forward looking data is subject to change at any time and there is no assurance that projections will be realized.

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