If you made a distribution/contribution/rollover in 2024 | Tax document from Raymond James mailed Jan. 31. |
If you did NOT make a contribution or distribution from your retirement account | You will NOT receive any tax documents. |
If you gave money to a charity directly from your IRA | Tax document from Raymond James mailed Jan. 31. You should provide this information to your tax professional. |
You can expect a tax document from Raymond James regardless of whether or not you made contributions or took withdrawals. Mailings are in 3 groups starting Feb. 15. ** If a 1099 is delayed, it will be sent on either Feb. 28 or March 15 **
Note: IF YOU SELECTED ONLINE DOCUMENT DELIVERY when you enrolled in Client Access, printed tax documents will NOT be mailed to you. You will need to log in to Client Access and print your tax documents. You can change your delivery preference at any time.
Whether you prepare your own taxes or work with a tax professional, we want to help the process go as smoothly as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 605-352-9490 in Huron or 605-357-8553 in Sioux Falls with any questions.